
The Frozen Files--

A Classical SuperHumanist cryonicsx blog by "PhilOssifur" [Summer 2007]
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Fall 2007 continuation at the following blog... under 'cryonics-- SA-- [+]

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Oil price surge indicates falling dollar-- too-- not just oil supply.

Everytime the price of oil surges, MP points to the Peak Oil theory as being correct. [+] Four things wrong with that--

1. It fails to deal with the "real" energy crisis which involves NOT oil but a higher energy throughput energy conversion process that will be essential to move mankind into a higher potential population density on Earth-- from 6.5 to, say, 12 billion over the next 20 to 30 years involving NEW NUCLEAR, and then fusion reactors-- and eventually plasma reactors and matter-anti-matter. In effect, the oil peak oil debate is a minor distraction. It's as if, in the age of wood power in Europe, Mark would be pointing to Peak Trees-- when in fact the new power source for the Industrial Age was coal.

2. Peak Oil is just wrong. Peak Oil is a contrivance-- an orchestrated event-- by oil companies-- to try to make us THINK that there is a limit on cheap oil when in fact there is pleny of it a little bit deeper. There is no shortage at all-- certainly not a peak oil problem. There is strong evidence that the entire notion that oil is a product of biological matter is completely and totally wrong-- itself a hoax-- that oil is abiotic. Take a look at WHO owns the oil companies and ask yourself-- in basic economics in high school-- what you were taught about price and supply. Didn't they SAY that when supply is constrained, that price rises? Isn't it the oil companies' interests to CONTROL and even restrict supply to drive prices up? Of course it is. This is why corporations cannot be allowed to RUN the world-- Private investigation into the oil situation NOT financned by oil companies is needed.

3. The price of water and food are skyrocketing too-- now-- so wave bye bye to the world as we knew it in the early 2000's as dark as it was with 9/11-- it was bright compared to what's coming-- if we don't expose the reality of things faster-- and quit believing the media-- the controlled media trying to pull the wool over our eyes.

4. What component of the price hike is due to the falling US dollar-- as opposed to the artificially constrained oil supply?

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