
The Frozen Files--

A Classical SuperHumanist cryonicsx blog by "PhilOssifur" [Summer 2007]
Latest entries listed at very bottom of page-- scroll down to end.
Fall 2007 continuation at the following blog... under 'cryonics-- SA-- [+]

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Dave Pizer's property sale next to Creekside doesn't make sense.

[+][+][+]. Here are the messages posted by Pizer to Cryonet regarding his sale of property next to Creekside. This makes no sense to me.

[+] Pizers Cryonet posts. it's probably useful to consdier Cryoner archives by person a significant way to communicate to the cryonics community at large. Despite AU, and ColdFilter based on CryonicsCafe, the indexing in those newer types of areas can't compete with the author-based indexing and the longevity of Cryonet. Cryonet combined with blogs like this one would now be optimal.

[+] To pick up on the point I just expressed-- that the optimal publishing format in cryonics is now a personal blog-- with a notice of blog publication in the CryoNet archive-- using CryoNet as a pointer-- ratheer than a discussion area-- converting Kevin Brown into a type of lowly but neccessary swithboard operator-- I'll begin publishing a link to my blog again in Cryonet.

To be sure, it won't appear in the daily digest... but that's a worthless way to read Cryonet anyway. It's more useful to read the archive page every month or ever several weeks-- and to this end, it still makes sense to create subject lines that area meaningful and that may have an embedded link. ColdFilter is reduced in status, in my mind-- for reasons I won't get into here-- but the way to consider CF is as a hangout for particular persons like FD who always frame the situation-- moderate key points and steer attention to particular aspects of things-- almost in an expert subversive manner. Therefore the only way to make a sovereign minded post that keeps the attention of the reader focused on the desired point is a blog. CF has a role-- as do other forums-- but two features make blogs + Cryonet favoried in my view now

1. Blogs have tags.
2. Cryonet has a defacto author index-- which operates like a blog.

UPDATE 7-25-07
No news. No contacts. Nothing.

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