
The Frozen Files--

A Classical SuperHumanist cryonicsx blog by "PhilOssifur" [Summer 2007]
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Fall 2007 continuation at the following blog... under 'cryonics-- SA-- [+]

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

CPlatt was given free reign at SA Inc.-- despite Saul Kent's concurrance with Maxim's view.

A major theme of MM's analysis of SA has been that CP was consistently trying to reinvent the wheel. Maxim points out how this simply did not make any sense-- at least from the point of view of assuming that SA's mission was to create a viable cryonics rescue technology station. It only makes sense, if you stand back and get the overview, from the angle that CP was constantly trying to figure out ways to line his own pockets.

This particular component of the problem-- is just one component-- in a matrix of components that don't make sense. Insofar as the particular component goes, however-- CP as Rube Goldberg-- a critical element of this component has been thought of-- and presented as-- first-- the ramp vs. liftgate problem... then the alarm circuit (I think)--but now-- this morning-- the item that pops out in high relief for me is the heart lung mchine.

MM gives what looks like a fair accounting of heart lung machines in medicine-- and the sitaution in cryonics in her blog Cryonics Meets Medicine. Her perspective is interesting to read-- if only to gain insight into the Alcor situation. But that's another deal-- The situation at SA was this-- Saul pretty much agreed to a heart lung machine-- and CPlatt nixed it in favor of building one himself-- that sums up the essence of my take on MM's account. She wrote...

No, SA does not have a heart-lung machine. When I suggested to Saul that we get one and find a way to add monitoring of the concentration of the cryoprotectant, and any other features we might want, he was all for it. However, Charles was sure we needed to design and build our own, without even looking at the heart-lung machines.

So it appears CPlatt had-- or has-- total control over the way SA worked-- a science fiction writer with no medical background per se-- who over-rode his medically trained hire-- Maxim-- and who had the opportunity to acquire recommended equipment to optimize the cryonics rescue fuction of SA-- given a generous budege by Kent/Faloon-- and given agreement by Kent with Maxim-- What, then, has been the nature of SA-- in reality??? What type of "creature" is this???

The mystery to ME-- for one-- is compounded by the fact that the open house in May-- at SA-- resulted in very little in the way of reports by those bigger-wheels in cryonics who attended. Critical review was very thin-- even Ben Best's report-- seemed to me to be a pretense of a report-- pretending to expose the details-- but in typical reductionist style-- focused on the here and now empriically observable-- rather than the higher context. Weaving empirical evidence in with higher context is something that would have constituted a "real" SA review. Best just "sticks to the facts", however, as if he's writing for an episode of Cryonics Dragnet. Just the facts ma'am. Ben as Joe Friday. He actually looks a little like that.

The point here-- is that the agreement of Kent with Maxim on the HLR was nixed by CP-- consisntent with CP as Rube Goldburg.... and the next salient feature for me-- is the lack of critical review of eleemtns like this by the bigger cryonics wheels in attendence-- which leads me to one conclusion.... Whatever SA "is" in reality-- we have significant cooperation within the "higher level" of the cryonics "community" by virture of the lack of critical review-- other than Maxim's of course-- but she's basicaly an "outsider". And there's me-- but I'm not on the "inner circless" or event he "medium close inner rings". As it turns out, I'm a bit of a outcast much to my dismay-- but I have to be intellectually honest first and foremost-- and that's where I've been led. Bizarre but true.

Now- in July 2007- speaking of bizarre-- we have CP NOT in charge of SA but somehow maybe actually still in charge indirectly... We don't know what the status of the situation is-- CF has gone dark on the matter--- Harris has desisted from SA defense-- no SA report on their latest case has been forthcoming-- CP has gone dark-- the silent inner circles of cryonics remain silent other than for Best whose report was... factual-- at the most-- with not much higher level contextual instight--

The cryonics mission is one in which the SA situation must-- by virtue of intellectual honesty-- be accounted for. I'm sure there are a lot of cryos who know how to do debits and credits with numbers and who are capable of making and retaining money. But what about the accounting system of ethics and principles, expectations and apparent reality? Who keeps the books balanced on that? Doesn't SA "owe" the 'cryonics community at large" an "explanation" that settles the score? I think they do. This is the kind of debt that some people think can remain outstanding-- and I suppose it can-- but history will show it and the generation of cryonics people who are now 18-35 will know it.

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