
The Frozen Files--

A Classical SuperHumanist cryonicsx blog by "PhilOssifur" [Summer 2007]
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Fall 2007 continuation at the following blog... under 'cryonics-- SA-- [+]

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Classical FutureHumanist will frame cryonics within a Larouche worldview-- with some tweaking here and there.

Note the new link at the top of this blog. Classical FutureHumanist will be the wider perspective within which cryonics becomes mainstreamed and successful. Classical FutureHumanism is intended to offer cryonicists and all humans-- humans already being "transanimal" and even "post animal" by virtue of creative cognition that percieves invisible universal principles with an extraordinary ability to apply them to increase the relative potentential human population density and to effectively prolong lifespan-- two cornerstones of civiliziation most aptly described by Lyndon Larouche, a figure amaligned by the Synarchists and oligarchs-- off humans the ability to make real progress happen and get our future back. It'll take another 50 years to get back on track. Steve Bridge talked about cryonics having taken the Wrong Path awhile ago-- into transhuman utopian schemes-- when it should have gone into emergency medicine from the getgo- but his perspective failed at offering the deeper thinkers among us a grand philosophy-- and that's where CFH comes in.

Transhumanism in general is a failure. Transhumanists are nothing but neotanists-- adult children in effect-- who still get their kicks by meeting Captain Kirk at science fiction conventions. Conference star Ray Kurzweil despite his limited brilliance, is for example, apparently convinced global warming is real when in fact it's a hoax. A lot of neotanists cannot sustain a whole-brain world view, choosing instead to specialize and compartmentalize world affairs. Cryonics, on the other hand, depends on the real world actually succeeding... and that doesn't involve Captain Kirk-- as for Kurzweil, "real" pianos still exist and are FAR more highly regarded than ANY digital piano, including the expensive Kurzweil pianos.

I've personally been ridiculed and maligned in the cryonics media and I've been censured and banned for various ostensible reasons but the truth cannot be censured. The truth is embedded in the very fabric of the universe. The truth about 1971 and Nixon's destruction of the Bretton Woods agreement for example, was like taking the tail fin off a 747 in flight. The entire world' banking system has spun out of control and we've been crashing ever since. The Synarchists know this-- they fully intend to destroy the US from the inside. Cryonicists are mostly either agents or dupes of this process. So Bridge was right. Cryonics too the wrong path-- Kent was right about the failure of cryonics too-- except his efforts will not lead to success if civilization itself crashes.

It might appear absurd to say this but-- as I see it-- as through Larouches eyes-- not Captain Kirks' where Alcor lead cryonics rescue tech Tanya Jones spent her weekend-- the cryonics mission, the American mission and mission of humankind, revolves around Dick Cheney's impeachment before August-- and his launch of an attack via Isreal on Iran involving nuclear weapons. Putin's meeting with Sr.Bush with Clinton's participation July 2 is critical-- Cryonics is NOT isolated from the world. America stands for historical ideas. Cryonics is an historical idea too-- but Ettinger was limited in his educational background-- so couldn't see the forest for the trees himself... another reductionist, really-- and not a very likable one.

So it all comes together now-- whether cryos like it or not. In a sense I'm smirking-- but not really because we're all in danger. Pizer's Mountain north of Phoenix won't protect him for long if Phoenix "goes down"-- the guy he fired, Grigg-- is probably in a more survivable condition than Dave and Mark can ever hope to be-- with Morman survival tactics. They should have kept Grigg simply as a consultant for that.

More soon--

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