
The Frozen Files--

A Classical SuperHumanist cryonicsx blog by "PhilOssifur" [Summer 2007]
Latest entries listed at very bottom of page-- scroll down to end.
Fall 2007 continuation at the following blog... under 'cryonics-- SA-- [+]

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

SA-- BIZARRE open email address list from Baldwin

I can't believe what just happened.

Wed, 19 Sep 2007 06:52:03 -0700
From: "Suspended Animation Information" Add to Address Book Add Mobile Alert
Subject: News Bulletin #11
To: "Gary Battiato"

"Charles Platt", "Rocky Angelucci", "David Brandt-Erichsen", "Steve Bridge", "Kevin Brown", "Jennifer Chapman", "Andrew Clifford", "Mike Darwin", "Greg Fahy", "William Faloon", "Tim Freeman", "Steve Harris", "Hugh Hixon", "Rudi Hoffman", "Joe Hovey", "Todd Huffman", "Tanya Jones", "Bobby June" ----BJune@9VoltVisuals.Com----, "Saul Kent", "Ray Kurtzweil", "Eugene Leitl", "Ralph Merkle", "Max More", "Judy Muhlstein", "Erico Narita", "Joan O'Farrell", "Michael O'Neal", "David Pascal", "Mike Perry", "Brenda Peters",  "David Pizer", "Michael Riskin", "Sandra Russell", "Dave Shumaker",  "Alan Sinclair", "Todd Soard", "Mathew Sullivan", "Steve Van Sickle", "Peter Voss" ----Peter@Optimal.Org----, "Jay Wasserlauf", "Mike West", "Brian Wowk", "Angela Kelly", "Arie Spirgel", "P. Spodak", "George Overmeire", "Natasha Vita-More", "Monina Wasserlauf", "Graham Chalmers", "Henry R Hirsch", "The NanoAging Institute", "GRODZICKI CHARLES", "Aschwin DeWolf", "Bryan Hall", "Louise Gold", "Heinz Teige", "Veronique Struis", "Edward M. Llano", "Maria D. Llano", "Ysatis K. Llano", "Kassiopia X. Llano", "Familia Llano", "Paul Battista", "dr k", "Mike Luckow",  "Arlene Pappan", "bawils", "Robert E. Pruss", "Phil Ossifur", "Melody Maxim",  "Spy Doorman",  "Freezer Department", "Regina Pancake", "Fabio Estropico", "Stan Brown", "Kenneth Tidwell", "Ralph Reid", "Arkady Elg", "Susan Andrews", "John Hollis", "Jonathan Yu", "Dale Thornton",  "Jaime Lagunez", "Keevy McAlavy", "Aaron Black",  "Destiny Clark", "Phillip Dannelly",  "Christopher Yarnell", "Aaron Woodside", "Sandra Walchuk", "Bala Murugan", "Abe Torkelton", "Daniel Braun"

Dear Readers,

In continuing the tradition of using the Newsbulletins to convey the
latest events at Suspended Animation, I find myself in the somewhat
unusual position of announcing my own arrival, in August, as the
company's new General Manager.

Attending Suspended Animation's conference in May, I was impressed by
the scientific presentations and how SA's mission seemed to tie in with
my own biomedical research interests in ischemia and reperfusion and
hypoxia and thermoregulation, and my experience managing biotechnology
development. (For a bit more detail, my smiling mug and biosketch are
the Personnel Page.) When the offer came to join the Suspended
team, I was pleased to accept. I'm now on the steep upside of the
learning curve of cryonics, its multidisciplinary science and its
history, but I'm enjoying it. I'm looking forward to helping Suspended
Animation improve and expand its standby, stabilization and transport

What follows is an update on the latest struggles and successes at
Suspended Animation in a familiar format. Some of the information
first hand from me and some naturally second hand, given my recent
arrival, and was compiled by SA's staff. But I hope to provide more
frequent updates as we go along, and invite you to drop me an email or
give me a call if there is something in particular that you would like
to hear about or just say, "Hello!"

Best regards,


Catherine Baldwin
General Manager
Suspended Animation, Inc.

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Frozen Files Summer 2007 Alphabetical Index