
The Frozen Files--

A Classical SuperHumanist cryonicsx blog by "PhilOssifur" [Summer 2007]
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Fall 2007 continuation at the following blog... under 'cryonics-- SA-- [+]

Sunday, September 23, 2007

SA 09-22-07-- Baldwin, Maxim, Kent, 21CM, Fahy, C81

The method of those who attempt to manipulate others involves fractionalizing the agenda. It appear to me that "cryonics" is being hijacked by a Kent Conspiracy that Sullivan is now party to as a result of legal threats against free speech on Cold Filter. Maxim punctered the "narrative" that Kent is attempting to create. Harris's tactic was to throw up a lot of mud against the wall but he didn't attempt to resolve the issue and now wants to write a modified C81 report. Baldwin is not indicated as a cryonicist as the new manager of SA. 21CM is being funded by an anonymous donor and will get a new building-- as if the current one isn't sufficient... why not? Fahy is silent. All these elements are part of a big picture but nobody is looking at the integration of these elements into the big picture. My own attempts have been attacked under the guise of associated cryonics with other topics-- The entire situation with respect to the legal properties of death and what cryonics is attempting to do is now fully submerged in an underground-- with security bouncers, threats, confusion and black boxing. The internet, blogs and discussions have done nothing to shed light on the reality of cryonics-- and has more likely made it possible for the dark elements to throw up numerous distractions. Ettinger himself has been a leading covert operative in cryonics since its inception never having fully explained the publishing dates of Ev Cooper's publication compared to his. Furthermore, cryonics is full of secular humanists, luciferians and psychotopic drug users-- rabid anti-Classical humanists-- who will stop at nothing to defend what they believe is their turf in the puruist of their own physical integrity-- making cryonics dangerous in some ways. Conferences and public elements of cryonics are fronts behind which nothing can be publicly stated without risk.

Cryonics will not survive is this pattern continues-- that's my prediction. There is only one universe and there is such a thing as truth. Unless there are repeated attempts to reconcile cryonics with the world at large as well as the microworld-- and unless cryonics sees itself as part of a long history of the upward ascendency of mankind, it will fail-- as civilization itself fails. Not a single cryonicist sees things the way I do. I'm no longer interested in talking to any cryonicists-- and will direct my future efforts to merging with the Larouche viewpoint-- then coming back to look at cryonics from that view... which is truthful on the large scale of things-- and THAT is the path to the future. I'll maintain my membership. Cryonics from a classical point of view will be called classical cryonics and will be expressed as Ccryonics.... with a large case C preceding the small c.

Most of the world's population-- who have the chance to be well read or educated-- use their knowledge and skills to manipulate others to their own advantage. I'm beginning to think it has something to do with characteristic brainwaves. The characteristic brain wave patterns of people in various professions has been studied and there are patterns!! The pursuit of truth, and the ability to set the money aside-- probably involves a characteristic brain wave pattern. I have nothing against making money but I don't do it at the expense of truth. Others I've encountered seem to have no problem sacrificing truth.

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