
The Frozen Files--

A Classical SuperHumanist cryonicsx blog by "PhilOssifur" [Summer 2007]
Latest entries listed at very bottom of page-- scroll down to end.
Fall 2007 continuation at the following blog... under 'cryonics-- SA-- [+]

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Jennifer Chapman posts one sentence to Alcor blog pointing to Newsweek article.

Update-- The comments below are no longer valid since the article Chapman referred to is NOT the one I thought it was-- it's a whole new article in Newsweek!! Apology to JChapman. Better fact checking on my part is in order.

[+] Chapman posted a short piece to the Alcor blog-- pointing to the Newsweek article that I pointed out to Maxim who pointed it out to Harris who denigrated it CF. Chapman points to the mention of Alcor information theoretic death idea but the key feature of the article is not that at all. The key feature of the article centers on what maxim and harris were debating-- which is the introduction of oxygen in a patient whose time of unconciousness is more than a few minutes. You could kill him by giving him oxygen.

This goes back to Harris's work at CCR-- which is effectively hypothermic lung lavage-- the lungs being the place where you get heat exchange going on which is good for cryonics-- although I don't know if it's useful in neuro cases-- certainly in whole body. The debate was about whether SA's lung lavage device used oxygen-- because they call it ventilation. By defintion, if you ventilate, you deliever oxygen.

I would imagine that Chapman missed that debate on CF altogether because information theoretic death and a mention of Alcor is nothing compared to the issue of oxygen right now. Harris thought that Maxim's reference to the Newsweek piece was insignificant compared to his own references but the Newsweek article cites a UC study that plays with that oxygen variable-- and nobody has dug that up yet as far as I can see.

At least Chapman is using the Alcor blog. And the Alcor blog appeared on the Google blog search under keyword cryonics-- by date. So that's a great place to look for what people are saying about cryonics. To do the search enter keyword cryonics and then a space and a minus sign for any of the pharmacuetical products that are being spammed into the results. Most of it can be cleaned up quickly.


Anonymous said...

This is a new Newsweek article, not the some one talked about elsewhere.

Rick Potvin said...

Oh-- thanks for that. Much appreciated.

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